Archive for January, 2007

Two Words…Chris Sligh

January 31, 2007

Chris Sligh is from South Carolina…has hair like Justin Guarini…has a sense of humor like John Mayer…and sings like a mellow rocker (loved the audition but not too crazy about the song on his MySpace page).

Seems he’s also a Christian…like our little Sean Michel.

Watch out for this guy…he’s smart and talented…with personality out the wazoo.

I like him…he’s my new favorite.

(I know, I know…I’m fickle…but, honestly, this guy is SO likeable.)

On another music note (pun intended)…The Police will reunite for this year’s Grammy Awards.

I know I should be excited…but I’m not.

What’s wrong with me?

Also…I don’t want this to become a glitter-bashing post…but there is something a little off about a glitter banner for Sean Michel. I just can’t put my finger on why.

Don’t get me wrong…it’s great that folks like him and they did a lovely job with their banners…it just is strange to me for some reason. (Also, I’m a little uncomfortable with the “Sean’s Disciples” thing. As far as I know, there is only one Man to be a disciple of…and, though He looks like Sean…He’s much older.)

Again…NO bashing of anyone’s banner. But help me to understand why this seems odd to me.

Also…tell me what a “Camel Shiner” is? She asks nervously, hoping it’s not dirty.