Monkbot Chatter


Have fun…be respectful…and KEEP IT CLEAN!

I’m counting on my Monkbots to self-police and help newbies. If anyone reports to me that foul language, obscene discussions, or abusive behavior is occuring…I’ll remove chat entirely. (Abusive behavior includes slurs or mockery against any group or race of people.)

If you’ve come across this chat without first receiving an invite…you are more than welcome to join in the chat, but please be mindful of the rules and know that use of this chatroom is a priviledge.

Casts the stank eye of fear toward all who enter chat.

I’ve taken chat offline permanently. From reading the RSS feeds I can see that it’s been abused by a few folks who want to rant about the abuse of Taylor Hicks and Gray Charles and unfair practices on other sites.

This is NOT what this site is about…at…all.

Look, let me make something very clear. Monkbot is MY site. I, Shelley Powers, have put hours and hours and hours and hours into it. I’ve used my intellect, my creativity, and my hard work to develop it. I heartily thank those who were integral in the development of the site (you know who you are and how much I appreciate you)…but as for the “ownership and direction,” it’s all me, baby.

Plus, those who think this site is meant to be a direct line of communication to Gray Charles…and even more laughably, to Taylor Hicks…are seriously deluded.

Gray may visit from time to time…but his visits are for his ENJOYMENT…not for updates on the behavior of the Soul Patrol. He gets enough grief elsewhere…he doesn’t need the reminder (or updates) here. That’s not what this place is about.

As for Taylor Hicks. I not now…nor EVER have had any contact with him. I have no idea if he even knows about the site…or, if he does, if he gives a crap about it. This is NOT a venue to reach Mr. Hicks…so stop trying.